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Want to work with us?

Being an editor means you get to read interesting philosophical texts and choose ca. two to work on closely. You'll need to work in a team of editors to nudge the text of your charge through three feedback rounds all the while maintaining a good working relationship with the author - and stay anonymous.

Our process is double blind, which means you won't know the author's name and they won't know yours. This way it's all about the texts. So, if you love complicated texts and this sounds exciting to you, keep an eye on this page. Application rounds usually start at the beginning of the summer and the deadlines are in September. See below which vacancies are open at the moment.



Join our team of editors for the 25th edition of the Journal! Starting this fall, you can dive into a diverse set of philosophical texts written by your peer students and choose two on which you will work more closely in a small team and over three feedback rounds. Besides being an editor, in the ESJP, you can always take on more responsibility: you can become a lead editor and monitor a small team through the editing process. 

For those who think about joining our editorial board we offer:
  • extensive training in editing and philosophical writing
  • an enthusiastic community of passionate students
  • the opportunity to bring in your own ideas and to take on responsibility, if you want to
  • and, of course, the opportunity to read, edit and learn from the best philosophical papers written by peer-students, in analytical as well as continental philosophy.
Are you interested? Then join our team as an editor! Proficiency in Dutch is an advantage, but definitely not required. The positions are open to all Philosophy students. It is necessary for applicants to have a background in and experience with philosophy.
How to apply?
You can apply for becoming an editor in the ESJP by sending a short letter of motivation and your CV to before the 20th of September.
Curious who you'll work with? Head over to the 'Our Team' page to check out our current editors and see what working at the ESJP means to them, what their editing philosophy is, and how they would convince a friend to join! 

ESJP Book Reviews and Interviews

ESJP Book Reviews and Interviews is a forum of The Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy to encourage students to engage with the latest academic publications and the work of scholars in the field.  

If you are interested in writing a book review or conducting an interview, please send an email with the details of the book that you would like to review or the topic and the person whom you want to interview to

Book reviews and interviews will be posted on the ESPhil website. We will also publish a selection of the best book reviews and interviews in each issue. Decisions for publication are made by the editorial board.  

Guidelines Book Reviews

Length and Format

  • Reviews should be between 1.500 and 2.000 words in length.

  • Send the completed review in a Word document, along with a short biography, to



  • Your review should be written in a style accessible to bachelor philosophy students.

  • Our referencing style is Chicago.

  • Reviews can be written either in Dutch or English.


Editing Process and Publication

  • Submitted reviews will be reviewed by the editorial board who will provide you with feedback to enhance readability, minimise typographical errors, review the general quality of the piece and check your piece on factual accuracy.

  • Minor adjustments are made to nearly all submitted reviews. Typically, these are made for stylistic reasons; however, you may be asked to provide more details on a particular argument, to double-check factual claims or to provide additional links to supporting information. All substantial changes will be agreed with the authors before publication.






ESJP interview editor Georgina Aránzazu Dijkstra will be conducting interviews with notable members of staff for our upcoming editions. If you have suggestions for interviews or would like to help out, please do not hesitate to let us know through

Target Audience

  • The target audience for interviews are students in Philosophy who want to know more about the research and life of an academic in Philosophy.


Basic Structure


  1. Give basic background information of the person that you have interviewed and his or her research

  2. Outline the main topics of the interview

  3. Describe what led the interviewee to his or her current position and research

  4. Elaborate on interesting aspects of the research the person is conducting, describe his or her stance(s) in the debates in the literature et cetera.

  5. End with a bang: advice on pursuing a PhD, recommended books or other tips for students.



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